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This module offers an introduction to midwifery units (MU) and their purpose, showcasing current research on midwifery units which has been conducted in England. The module aims to support individuals such as service users, midwives, doctors, managers and many more who are working to influence and promote the development of midwifery units.

Key learning outcomes:
– Describe the key features of a midwifery unit
– Describe current maternity services, policies and provision of MU’s
– Use evidence to explain the impact of developing more MU’s in Europe
– Highlight the key components of a well performing MU
– Outline the challenges that midwives face and provide practical solutions for improvement

This module contributes to a minimal of 6 hours learning, consisting of 53 minutes of e-learning, reflective exercises, additional material and assessment.

Special Acknowledgement: This module draws on data analysis from the Alongside Midwifery Units study, which was funded by the NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research programme led by Professor Christine McCourt, Centre for Maternal and Child Health Research, City University of London